Guide in Ratanakiri enternaining tourists

We have the best guides in the world!

by | Nov 30, 2018

It is pretty much impossible after living and working in Asia; to not become connected to the local people and have a sense of wanting to do good, give back and try and help in any way possible.

This is why we can add any number of incredible responsible options, tours and workshops into your holiday itinerary.

From putting yourself in to a locals shoes during one of our ‘Day in a Life’ tours. To spending a morning with your children enjoying one of our recycling and re-purposing workshops. Or simply giving something else a go, such as joining the wonderful disabled wheelchair basketball and rugby teams when visiting Siem Reap.

So on your next Asian holiday don’t just travel; try and travel with a little bit of a meaning. As it will make your memories of traveling to Asia ever so more special.