Kampong Chhnang Pottery Village

Pottery Village in Kampong Chhnang

by | Jun 8, 2020

Kampong Chhnang is a province you may have heard is famous for producing traditional Khmer pottery, a craft that has been passed down from generation to generation for over 1,500 years.

Jars, vases, incense burners, piggy banks, traditional cookers, and pots can all be found in front of almost every house near Phnom Krang Dei Meas, an area rich with red clay. Most people at the quiet village of Andong Russei, keep making pottery in their traditional way. Some have been involved in the trade since before the Khmer Rouge regime. This village is a delightful 7km ride west of Kampong Chhnang town through serene rice fields dotted with sugar palm, many with bamboo leaders running up their trunks.

Tourists can watch villagers at work or learn the craft or see how they produce palm sugar, including watching them climb the palm tree and boil the palm juice.

For more information regarding the tour, please contact our sales team.

Pottery class in Cambodia
Pottery in Cambodia