Places you must visit in Vietnam

Places you must visit in Vietnam.

by | Jul 30, 2020

Vietnam is a country with countless wonders which is why it is a favourite among travellers. However, the sheer amount of choices open to you can be overwhelming at the planning stage of a trip. Deciding between two idyllic locations to visit is no easy task. Ideally, we would all love to see it all and leave no stone unturned, but realistically that is not always possible.

To make your life easier, here are some of the places you should prioritise on your first visit to Vietnam to make the most out of it.

Arial view of Ha Long Bay

1) Ha Long Bay

This one is a no brainer. It is most likely the reason why you warmed up to the idea of visiting Vietnam. Its clear-blue water and thousand of islets come together to create a vista, unlike any others, for lack of a better word, it is breathtaking. You can choose to go on a 2D/1N or 3D/2N cruise which is perfect for solo travellers or couples, but it might prove to be a bit long for families with younger kids. For those, single-day outings are possible from Hanoi.

Slow boat ride through Ninh Binh's beautiful landscape

2) Ninh Binh

Rightfully coined the Ha Long Bay on land, the place is as beautiful as you could imagine and pictures online do not do it justice. More so, a trip there is a great follow-up or precursor to a visit to Ha Long Bay. By incorporating the two into your bespoke Vietnam itinerary, you will go on a nice loop around Hanoi – Ninh Binh – Ha Long Bay – Hanoi (or vice versa) before continuing your trip up north or down south. If you visit one, you ought to include the other, no reason not to!

Explore the canales of the Mekong Delta

3) Mekong Delta

We have all heard about the Mekong and how majestic it is. But you never truly get a sense of its scale before you see it with your own eyes. More so when you make the trip to the Mekong Delta and deep dive into its water world to explore its countless rivers and canals. It is hard to describe the incredible diversity in wildlife and flora the river has. It is something you will have to see for yourself, truly!

SaPa is perfect for trek lovers

4) Sa Pa

For the trekkers out there, Sa Pa and its surrounding offer a seemingly endless playground for you to traverse and explore. Located 350km northwest of Hanoi in the Lao Cai Province, the town is devoid of an airport, so flying is not an option. Our preferred method of transport to Sa Pa is to hop on an overnight train to Lao Cai railway station and catch a shuttle bus from there. However, if you prefer, you can also book a bus ride from Hanoi. Either way, you are sure to have your mind blown by the scenery on display throughout your journey.

For more information on any of these tours or if you would like one of our travel experts to create a bespoke Vietnam itinerary for you, please contact us.